Event 201: Proof The COVID-19 Pandemic Was A Plan to Suppress Liberty

The COVID-19 pandemic was declared in early 2020 as the deadliest of all pandemics, and therefore sufficient justification to totally suppress liberty. However, the truth is that the COVID-19 pandemic, from it’s initial public announcement, was primarily a deceptive cover to fool the people into accepting the largest dictatorial power …

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Rudy Giuliani Sabotaged the Legal Efforts to Overturn the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election Fraud

Excerpted from the World Affairs Brief(WAB), a recommended source on this blog, from the January 29th, 2021 release of the WAB: GIULIANI’S SABOTAGE OF ELECTION FRAUD LEGAL EFFORTS REVEALED Patrick Byrne, the former CEO of Overstock.com has spent the last six months helping and financing the work of several researchers, …

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Press Conference by TX House of Representatives banning COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates

These are among the TX legislators who deserve re-election. No one should ever be a victim of extortion i.e. take an injection(whether you want to call it the COVID-19 vaccine, gene therapy shot, or whatever) or lose your job i.e. your livelihood and ability to feed your family. https://tlchouse.granicus.com/MediaPlayer.php?view_id=6&clip_id=22596

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