Taken from the March 21, 2025 release of the World Affairs Brief

The JFK assassination and coverup has spawned the most widespread and popular conspiracy theories ever until the Deep State unleashed the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center buildings in 2001. Tens of books have been written claiming to reveal the truth about JFK’s death, and some are good but most are bad—especially those that try to claim that Oswald did it as a lone gunman. Reliable witnesses testify that Oswald was down on the main floor lunch room having a coke when the shots rang out. The best researchers have uncovered enough evidence to implicate the government itself in the President’s death using hired assassins and a range of government accomplices so deep that it raises the curtain on the depth and power of the dark side of government. That’s the primary reason the government demanded the JFK files be sealed for 50 years in the National Archives—not because they would contain a black-and-white admission of guilt, but there would be breadcrumbs in them such as memos discussing the CIA’s animosity against JFK, and perhaps indications of the agency putting out feelers to the Mafia for sharpshooting hitmen. Alas, none of us in the world of conspiracy fact and theory expected any embarrassing truths to be released in the latest file dump, and there haven’t been. Trump’s insistence that “nothing is to be redacted, so the public can make up their own mind” has been totally ignored. In fact, the Deep State actors who remain in the FBI and National Archives have released a blizzard of papers, most of which are already in the public domain, just to make the task of sifting through all the millions of pages more time consuming and arduous.

Researchers continue to pour over the massive trove of papers recently released but so far nothing incriminating to government and has come out of it. Yes, there are a few interesting tidbits and lots of information about Oswald, most of which is there for diversion purposes. Here’s a sample of what the Gateway Pundit thinks are interesting:

-Lee Harvey Oswald was reportedly considered a “poor shot” during his target practice in the USSR. [Adding to evidence that he couldn’t have made the rapid fire shots from the 6th floor of the School Book Depository building]

-JFK files reveal Lee Harvey Oswald was a spy, He tried twice to Obtain a USSR visa from Mexico City. [That’s because he worked for the CIA who set him up to be a spy and “Marxist patsy.”]

-Oswald was considered “the most effective and dangerous intelligence officer in Mexico” by Russian consular officer. [Sounds like he fooled the Russians, to the delight of the CIA.]

-CIA Memo confirms Lee Harvey Oswald was under surveillance by CIA, 59 days before JFK assassination. [Naturally, the CIA keeps tabs on their own patsies.]

-Gary Underhill claimed the CIA was responsible for JFK’s assassination—then 6 months later he was found dead in his apartment from what was ruled a “suicide.” [The Deep State controls a lot of county and city coroners.]

-A man named Sergy Czornonoh allegedly had knowledge that Oswald would be killed after assassinating Kennedy and that Martin Luther King Jr. would also be assassinated. He also knew in advance that Kennedy would be killed in Dallas. [A doubtful claim. The CIA collects everything, even bogus stuff.]

-Jack Ruby claimed that his decision to kill Oswald was influenced by his Jewish identity. Ruby was the man who killed the assassin of John F. Kennedy so that we would never see a trial of Lee Harvey Oswald. Here, Jack Ruby (Rubenstein) says that his killing of JFK’s assassin was motivated by him being a Jew, and interestingly refers to Lee Harvey Oswald as a rat.… [This is also bogus. Ruby, with mafia connections (which, in turn, has CIA connections) clearly had orders to eliminate Oswald so he couldn’t provide more evidence that he was set up to take the blame by the CIA as a patsy]

-Mere hours after Jack Ruby shot and killed Lee Harvey Oswald, FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover urgently called for a swift public report to prevent conspiracy theories from gaining traction. [This is not surprising, given that Hoover had two agents witness the Bethesda autopsy of the president (before Jackie arrived at the Bethesda Hospital with the (empty) casket), noting that the Bethesda doctors exclaimed after opening military body bag, that the president’s body had been altered in a prior autopsy (which took place at Walter Reed hospital in DC) and that the head was cut open and the brain missing. Hoover buried the memo from the two agents. David Lifton’s book on “Best Evidence” obtained a copy of it.]

-Lee Harvey Oswald was allegedly under the direction of KGB officer Kostikov, reportedly linked to Department V. [Actually, this just proves Oswald’s success in penetrating Russian intel on behalf of the CIA.]

-J. Edgar Hoover was asked whether Lee Harvey Oswald was an FBI agent and if there was a conspiracy to assassinate JFK. [His answer is missing from the files.]

-A letter addressed to then-Senator Joe Biden accused him of being a “traitor.” The letter was signed “John F. Kennedy Jr.” [This is Most likely fake, since there was no Kennedy fingerprints on the letter, and the signature doesn’t match.]

-The CIA was intercepting U.S. postal service mail sent to the USSR and had 300 CIA members indexing a quarter-million names. [now they have much more sophisticated means of reading mail]

-An interview with FBI Assistant Director Alan Belmont on May 6, 1964, includes questions about Ruby and Oswald’s connections on page 27, but many pages are missing, with the interview supposedly extending to page 473. [This is proof that lots of stuff has still not been released.]

-A CIA cable reveals a call on November 23, 1963 that a Polish driver for a Russian vehicle, warned of Soviet plans to pay someone in the U.S. to assassinate the president. [Part of the CIA’s disinfo plan to blame the Russians and “spy” Oswald for a KGB plot.]

– JFK assassination records expose a failed 1955 CIA surveillance operation in Havana. CIA memo reveals that agency officers claimed they couldn’t recall Watergate burglar James McCord’s involvement in Cuban operations. [This is more CIA agent diversionary stuff.]

-JFK files reveal CIA’s extensive global operations, listing 34 secret field bases across Africa, Europe, Asia, and Latin America. [That’s nothing compared to present times]

-In a 15 page memo Arthur Schlesinger wrote that, “The contemporary CIA possesses many of the characteristics of a state within a state.” “There is no doctrine governing our conduct of clandestine operations.” He slammed the idea that the CIA should “fight fire with fire” to defeat communism. Schlesinger told JFK, the State Department had become a “rubber stamp” for CIA clandestine operations. Schlesinger proposed that JFK de-couple the CIA’s clandestine operations from its research and analysis work.

My comment: Schlesinger was an early globalist, downplaying the Communist threat in both Russia and China. In those days, leftists disliked the CIA because it was perceived as “Right wing” and anti-Communist, as in the Bay of Pigs. Kennedy had authorized the air support for the Bay of Pig, but globalist JFK advisor George McBundy, cancelled it while JFK slept. The next morning he directed his anger at CIA covert operations and vowed to dismantle it, echoing the talks he had with Schlesinger, who had called for the intelligence agency to be disbanded, referring to it as a ‘state within a state. This ultimately may have sealed Kennedy’s fate with the dark side of government.

Apparently, Trump himself holds the key to the crucial incriminating evidence. During his first term, he was in the process of ordering the opening of the JFK files and Mike Pompeo, the former head of the CIA came to him and told him something so bad was in the files that it would destroy the US reputation. He told Judge Napolitano about this encounter, and the Judge asked Trump “what was it that he told you?” and Trump said he couldn’t tell him.

Just recently, Trump Told Roger Stone, “It’s so horrible- I can’t tell you, but someday you’ll know–and the world will be shocked by what the JFK files are about to release.” Let’s unpack these two instances. Trump has to now know at least a part of the crucial information that connects the government to the assassination, and he thinks it’s too horrible to tell.

So, he’s waiting for it to come out in the released files, so that he won’t have to say it. That’s kind of cowardly, since if he’s declassified everything, there’s no reason why he shouldn’t tell the public the truth. The big question is: if it isn’t in the files, then Trump will know it’s being withheld, in violation of his orders. Is he then going to go after those responsible, including Mike Pompeo who told him? Is he going to reveal the information verbally without the backup documents? It doesn’t look that way, so this entire charade may end up being an exercise in futility!

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