Monopoly: An overview of the Great Reset – Follow the Money

This brilliantly crafted video expose shows how Vanguard and Blackrock, just those two corporations, control almost every industry in the world, from banking(which includes investment firms and other financial institutions), to media, to entertainment, and to virtually every other industry. Is it truly any wonder why there is so much injustice and corruption in modern civilization; this injustice and corruption has been going on for the past several decades as of the time of this writing.

The most critical segment comes between 23:00 and 25:00, where the narrator explains how nearly all news media outlets say exactly the same thing verbatim, as if they’re in lockstep and following the same script. The truth is, all the major news media outlets, the corporate mainstream media, are owned by the same company when you follow the money trail. What this means is that only two major corporations control all information and the narrative that the vast majority of the public, at least 80% at least in my best estimate, receives. This is why no corporate media outlet will call out the COVID-19 for the deception that it is to fool people into accepting a normalized dictatorship and the end of liberty. It comes to show that even in the United States and the absolutely precious and sacrosanct First Amendment protections on free speech and free press rights, free and independent press in the mainstream television outlets, which get the attention of the vast majority of the people, doesn’t truly exist. This will be one of the causal and leading factors to the major forecast of this blog; the ultimate collapse of modern civilization and the ultimate end of liberty.

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