Taken from the July 26, 2024 release of The World Affairs Brief


Were Trump Stocks Shorted with Prior Knowledge?

A lot of hype was generated from the claim that Austin Private Wealth shorted 12 million shares of Trump Media Shares just prior to the assassination. It turned out to be a clerical error of huge proportions, as the number of shares in the put was way too big to ever be executed. The firm released the following statement as quoted by the Gateway Pundit.

The SEC filing which showed that Austin Private Wealth shorted a large number of shares of Trump Media & Technology Group Corp (DJT) was incorrect and we immediately amended it as soon as we learned of the error.

No client of APW holds, or has ever held, a put on DJT in the quantity initially reported. The correct holding amount was 12 contracts, or 1,200 shares — not 12 million shares, as was filed in error. In submitting the required report for the second quarter of 2024, a multiplier was applied by a third-party vendor that increased the number of the shares by a multiple of 10,000 for all options contracts (not just DJT). We did not catch the error before approving the filing.

Let me explain why this is important. To execute a “put” or stock short, Austin would have had to borrow 12 million shares from a broker and then market those shares to others. No broker has 12 million shares, and there isn’t a big enough market to sell that many shares to others at the short strategy price. Hence, this was an impossible “put.”

What About the Second Shooter Claims?

The July 13 assassination attempt nearly killed the former president and left a retired fire chief, Corey Comperatore, 50, dead and two other attendees critically injured;oba still in the hospital. Another bullet hit a hydraulic lift to the right of Trump. There is also a ricochet bullet mark on a metal railing. That’s 6 bullets accounted for, not counting the first shot that hit Trump’s ear.

The controversy arises because of the audio analysis of the 10 shots picked up by microphones in and around the rally. The first 3 shots appear to have a different sound signature than the 5 rapid-fire shots that follow. Then there are two other shots from counter snipers that killed the shooter, Thomas Crooks, while on the roof of the AGR Building.

The most credible soundtrack analysis is on the X account of Chris Martenson, PhD and head of Peak Prosperity, a financial commentary site. He takes the sound recordings off of Trump’s microphone, and 3 other amateur videos from different locations around the rally and plots them graphically to show anomalies. He tries to make the case that the 3 first shots by Crooks have a radically different sound signature than the 5 rapid shots that follow. However, that is only true of 2 of the 4 recordings—which are both to one side of the AGR building.

I listened to them carefully and find that the recordings downrange of the building (Trump’s microphone and the recording next to the rally, do not have a significantly different sound, when you take into account the blending of the echos with the rapid next shot.

The shooter’s first 3 shots were a little less than a second apart, and so the echoes are not blanked by the next shot, like they are in the 5 rapid-fire shots that follow. I think Martenson fails to take into consideration the difference it makes when a cell phone microphone is to the side of the shooting and subject to a lot more echo, as the sound bounces between buildings–making it appear that it is coming from a different weapon.

Others have tried to say that their analysis points to vastly different distances being fired from, other than crook’s position, leading to claims of a second shooter, such as from the water tower which is much farther away. But as I pointed out last week, the tower is mostly obscured by trees and the angles of any shots there would not align with where the bullets landed. Only shots from Crooks’ position aligns with Trump and the other victims.

Several of the videos concentrate on the open second floor window in the two story building adjacent to the roof where Crooks shot from. In fact, that is where two of the local police forces were watching from (one of which was a sniper), giving them both a view of Trump and of Crooks on the roof, once they saw him. One even got a photo earlier from that window of Crooks acting suspiciously on the ground and sent the other officer out to investigate, but he couldn’t find Crooks.

Martenson and others think that the second shooter was at this open window, waiting to shoot, but I disagree—mainly because of the rapid fire nature of the 5 shots. If the second series of shots came from a second shooter aiming at Trump, he would have no reason to fire faster than Crook’s rate of fire, which was already rapid for long distance shooting. But Crooks would have reason to fire off 5 more rapid, inaccurate shots knowing the police had spotted him, and would be intervening at any moment. Martenson even goes through the timing of each of the 3 shots and compares them with the volley of 5 that follows.

With even the mild recoil of the AR-15, you cannot reacquire a target in a scope and steady your aim when you are pulling the trigger as fast as that. An experienced shooter can’t do it with real accuracy unless they take about 3/4 of a second between shots at that distance. You can shoot in rapid fire mode only if shooting at something very close with a point-and-shoot technique, like SWAT teams do, not precise aiming with a scope at long distance.

So, who did take the shots? It could only have been either the sniper (the one overlooking Crooks through the open second story window) or Crooks himself. But if the sniper opened fire on Crooks to kill him after he took the first 3 shots, there’s no reason to fire in a close quarter rapid-fire manner.

There is no doubt that there were at least 8 shots sent towards Trump–based on bullet impacts and sound, plus Martenson’s detailed analysis proves this as he documents the sharp supersonic “snap” picked up by Trump’s microphone before the loud sound of the round arrives. This only happens when a bullet passes by Trump’s mic, followed milliseconds later by the slower sound.

Bullets 1-5 all have the sonic “snap” registered on the mic, followed by the sound. Bullets 6 and 7 register only the sound, but not the sonic “snap” which indicates, according to Martenson, that those bullets got stopped when they hit the bodies of Comperatore and one of the other victims to the left of Trump.

A second shooter engaged in a conspiracy to kill Trump would not have made those 5 inaccurate shots. They would have been slower, aimed shots perhaps even slower than Crooks’ fire. If the rapid fire shots did come from the response fire of the sniper behind Crooks, it would have been to kill Crooks, not shoot at Trump and an autopsy of the body would confirm that. Plus, there would be 5 shell casings inside the window or on the ground outside it.

That does not appear to be the case. Two accounts from local law enforcement up on the roof after Crooks is dead confirm they found 8 shell casings near Crooks. If true, that proves Crooks fired all 8 rounds.

I think that after Crook’s first 3 shots, and Trump goes down behind the big black speaker box, Crooks can no longer see him, and moves further to the right (where he exposes himself to the view of the Secret Service snipers) as he tries to see around the box, he gets pannicky and takes 5 rapid shots in that general direction, hoping to get Trump. He misses Trump, covered by Sec Service agents, largely because he doesn’t take time to acquire a steady shot with the scope and at least two of those shots hit other victims.

Crooks is now in view of both the sniper behind him and the Secret Service sniper to his front. The Daily Mail reports law enforcement saying that the police sniper to his rear shot him, but this did not kill him. He gets up partially and is finally killed by the Secret Service sniper. That’s why his rifle is not found directly under or near the body.

Two final gunshots are then heard. The first counter shot, which insiders said came from a local sniper, [at the window] was was fired roughly 5.5 seconds after Crooks opened fire.

He then stopped firing, which audio analysts claim indicates he had been struck. The Secret Service sniper’s shot came 10 seconds later, CBS News reported. Crooks was killed by law enforcement.

‘Right before he was shot by Secret Service, he had rolled over, got up,’ Malice recalled. ‘I have a picture of him with his rifle up and his rifle turned towards me and the other guys that were standing behind the tree – and at that second Secret Service shot him.’

It will be interesting if a coroner’s report is ever issued. It should show either one or two shots in the body. In summary, although I don’t think the SS and local police forces were in on the conspiracy to kill Trump (though they certainly lack coordination and competence) I do think Crook’s use of electronic controlled explosives indicates he was controlled and influenced by a Deep State agent provocateur.

That would mean the Deep State did want Trump killed, and the plot would have been known at higher levels of the Deep State. But they may have depended on the disparate nature of the limited security teams rather than use several dedicated corrupted agents as happened in the JFK assassination.

Secret Service Whistleblower

Director Cheatle of the US Secret Service admitted that on that fateful day, radio communications on the tactical frequency were NOT recorded, so we don’t have anything other than statements from the various different agencies present—and there were several. His, in and of itself, is very suspicious.

There were at least 3 local police agencies, and 3 federal agencies involved (SS, DHS and FBI). And even worse, because of the different agencies, they weren’t all on the same frequency, requiring various tactical leaders to relay information to others, which may explain why security warnings didn’t happen in a timely manner.

Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) said on X , according the Zerohedge that according to new whistleblowers,

“MOST of Trump’s security detail working the event last Saturday were not even Secret Service,” and were instead “drawn from the department’s Homeland Security Investigations (HSI).

“Individuals without proper designations were able to gain access to backstage areas. Department personnel did not appropriately police the security buffer around the podium and were also not stationed at regular intervals around the event’s security perimeter.”

US Secret Service whistleblowers have approached the House Judiciary Committee, claiming that there were limited resources to cover former President Donald Trump last weekend due to the North Atlantic Treat Organization (NATO) summit in Washington DC, as well as first lady Jill Biden’s campaign rally in Pittsburgh, PA.

Kimberly Cheatle was appointed director of the Secret Service in 2022, having worked for the agency for 27 years before leaving in 2019 to head up global security at PepsiCo– which smacks of the typical revolving door employment that people linked to the Deep State enjoy. The Daily Mail added,

Some sources went as far as to tell the New York Post on Monday that Cheatle had been personally tapped for the role by First Lady Jill Biden’s top aide, Anthony Bernal, who is reportedly ‘obsessed’ with DEI. ‘Cheatle served on Dr. Biden’s second lady detail and Anthony pushed for her.’

For her part, Cheatle has spoken openly about her goals of raising the number of the agency’s female recruits to 30 percent of all new hires by the year 2030.

And she hasn’t done herself any favors in public appearances since that shock security failure in Pennsylvania on last weekend. Cheatle said in an interview on ABC News days after the shooting that agents did not secure the roof from which the assassin fired because, ‘That building in particular has a sloped roof, at its highest point… And so, there’s a safety factor that would be considered there that we wouldn’t want to put somebody up on a sloped roof.’

This was obviously just an excuse because the two sniper teams behind Trump were perched on roofs even steeper than the AGR building in question.

Cheatle was excoriated by both Republicans and Democrats alike in recent Congressional hearings and told “you should be fired.” She resigned the next day.


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