The Truth About COVID PCR Tests – They’re Fraudulent & Bogus

Since the beginning days of when the COVID-19 pandemic was announced, circa Q4’2019 and Q1’2020, the common test used to identify those allegedly infected with the COVID-19 virus is the Polymerase Chain Reaction a.k.a. PCR test. The PCR test is sometimes known as the Rapid Test Polymerase Chain Reaction, or RT-PCR Test. However, these tests should never have been used and have falsified the staggering quantity of alleged COVID cases, the latter of which was used as an alarmist tactic to scare and deceive the public into allowing the government on all levels(federal, state, and even local) to totally violate liberty and fundamental individual rights. Running these RT-PCR tests has enabled the media, in collusion and conspiring with the government, to fabricate a large case count and produce alarmist headlines like “10,000+ new COVID cases recorded today” to further perpetuate the violations of liberty and fundamental individual rights. Furthermore, these PCR tests, which shall from herein be interchangeable with RT-PCR tests, are inaccurate and fraudulent. He phrases it as best can be phrased;

First of all, you should only test for illness if you have symptoms. This is especially true especially considering that the Dutch head of WHO, the organization promoting the COVID-19 pandemic deceptive narrative and implementation of the draconion measures to violate liberty and rights, Dr. Maria van Kerkhove stated, asymptomatic spread is very rare, ergo not imminent. As found by the Swiss Research Institute, 80% of those who tested positive for COVID-19 were asymptomatic, and therefore not contagious.

Secondly, the mechanism of testing and detection is totally flawed too. What the PCR tests do is take a sample via a swab, either nasal or oral, and then amplify that sample. The amplification is done because the sample is too small to see. However, amplifying the sample beyond 35 amplification cycles drastically increases the likelihood of a false positive result; a vast majority of these PCR COVID tests, especially before Joe Biden occupied the White House, were run at or above 35 cycles. This fraud was executed to fabricate staggering case numbers, keeping the people spooked into accepting their enslavement from all the COVID restrictive measures, from shutdowns of in-person commerce, social distancing, mandatory mask wearing, and ultimately, to succumb to taking the deadly mRNA gene therapy injection masquerading as a safe and effective vaccine.

Third, as Jon Rappoport, arguably the best thinker and writer on the fraudulent nature of this COVID-19 scam pandemic, exposed and called out the Center for Disease Control’s double-speak and virtual admission of the inefficacy of the PCR Tests; the PCR Tests will still register someone as COVID positive even AFTER the infection is gone.

“Here’s Walensky’s money quote:

“…people can remain PCR positive for up to 12 weeks after infection and long after they are transmissible and infectious.”

That means MILLIONS of FALSE positive test results have been logged as REAL, in the past two years.

If you can’t trace the implications of THAT, I can’t help you.”

Sadly, the vast majority of people either can’t trace the implications or willfully choose not to, probably out of psychological fear of impairing their social validation; social validation trumps reality, facts, reason, and morals in modern civilization. This will lead to its ultimate demise if not reversed fast enough; I forecast that it won’t.

This is not at all to say that accurate testing for COVID-19 doesn’t exist, it just isn’t being done. In order to accurately identify COVID-19, or any of its variants, in any individual, a complete genome analysis must be performed. However, a complete genome analysis is highly time-consuming and technical; it isn’t too inexpensive either. Most importantly form the perspective of the weaponization of the COVID-19 pandemic narrative to impose immense tyranny on virtually all people in the world, a genome analysis can’t fabricate large numbers of COVID cases, especially at a rapid rate whereby the media can keep spitting out its yellow journalism hogwash of “Oh my goodness, 50,000+ new COVID cases reported, the virus is spreading like crazy”. This is likely the biggest reason for my forecast; no such accurate testing will ever be done, especially because the vast majority fail or willfully refuse to learn about proper testing in order to advocate it strongly enough for it to actually be put into practice.

When future generations ask today’s generations why we failed to realize the fraudulent nature of the PCR Tests, how satisfactory will our answers be?

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