World War 3 – Distinguishing Truth from Hype

Over the past several months, nearly year actually, several pro-liberty commentators have been discussing the immanency and proximity of World War 3. The Liberty Forecast blog has been warning about the coming World War 3 long before them:

Sadly, these commentators are severely mistaken in claiming that World War 3 is imminent, or even within a year away from the time of this writing. As long discussed on the Liberty Forecast blog, such as the link above, the trigger for World War 3, the joint nuclear/EMP strike by China and Russia on the United States, won’t happen until 2027 earliest. Other than the presidents of Russia and China, whether they still happen to be Vladimir Putin and Jinping Xi respectively at that time or someone else, and the highest-ranking Chinese and Russian military personnel, no one can know for sure when the strike will happen, but 2027 is most likely the earliest. This is because 2027 is when China claims it will be a first-class military, meaning the best in the world, and thereby, confident enough to actually defeat the West(the United States primarily, but also all other NATO nations), in a large-scale and nuclear military confrontation, in other words, World War 3. Russia already has the nuclear arsenal, which it has been growing in violation of nuclear arms limitations treaties such as INF, SALT, START I, and START II, to strike the West, but lacks the conventional military to consolidate the gains of a nuclear first strike; because of that, Russia has to wait until China is fully ready, which as explained above, will likely not precede 2027.

This is why Putin’s recent claims about launching nuclear strikes against the West are bluffs and hype, and we can be sure of that because he lacks the conventional military to consolidate the gains of a nuclear strike, and lacks China’s readiness to provide him that conventional military aid, which China possesses. Putin is bluffing now about nuking the west, but he won’t be(assuming of course he’ll still be the Russian President) in the future, specifically at the point in time that China will also be fully ready to attack the west, which will likely be no earlier than 2027.

On that note, lets now discuss a couple of commentaries mistakenly hyping up the immanency and proximity of World War 3. The first is by Brandon Smith here. Smith titles his article The Trigger for WWIII Just Arrived – What are the Implications for Americans. Smith doesn’t even mention any danger of nuclear war or nuclear weapons, without which, there will be no world war. He mostly discusses the conflict in Gaza, involving primarily Israel and Palestine, along with mentioning how Iran and Lebanon are connected to that conflict. He also mentions the Ukraine-Russia conflict to a lesser degree. However, these are all regional wars, not world wars, and without any trigger for nuclear attacks, these don’t qualify as World War 3, or even triggers for them.

Furthermore, Ukraine nor Israel have heavy U.S. troop presence, further disqualifying them as triggers for World War 3. Unlike Ukraine or Israel as Smith suggests, the two main triggers for World War 3 are South Korea and Taiwan, and this is because there are numerous U.S. troops in both those countries. So if either Xi or North Korean Dictator Kim-Jong Un were to strike either South Korea or Taiwan(though unlikely in the near-term), the U.S. would be forced to retaliate, which would force China to counter-retaliate, which it would only do with nuclear weapons(which China eventually, NOT IMMINENTLY, plans to do), which would thereby trigger a nuclear world war, rather than the regional conventional military wars covered in Smith’s article.

Let’s now turn to a recent commentary by Martin Armstrong, who publishes numerous excellent commentaries regarding the truth about the economy, financial trading markets, and related topics. However, on foreign policy, specifically and especially the timing of World War 3, Armstrong also succumbs to peddling hype, which hopefully he and other folks like Smith will stop doing. Armstrong claims that “We are on the edge of World War III because Western nations are nearing default on national debts. They NEED war as a distraction.” No, the Western globalists don’t need war as a distraction. While the US and Western Globalists are planning on using the next World War to wipe away the national debt, they don’t need to rush into war to do so, nor do they intend to start this war. As long as they have the power to create money in secret, they can push the default date back for a decade or more. The US has NOT declared war on Russia, and the power of electronic money creation will keep things relatively stable until World War 3 really comes, in the form of a preemptive nuclear strike on US military force.

Armstrong in that same article implies that World War 3 might come by September, under a month from the time of this writing, without giving any basis for why specifically September 2024 could fall under the time-frame as the earliest start for World War 3. Contrasting Armstrong’s September 2024 implication, with no basis or logic to support it, with the Liberty Foreast’s ,as well as Joel Skousen’s claim of 2027 being the very earliest, supported by the logic of China’s earliest military readiness, Armstrong’s claims, like Smith’s as explained above, are sadly hype.

So why even discuss this, why does it matter?

For one, World War 3 is definitely coming, and it will be the final phase of Western civilization’s demise, which by extension, shall be the final phase of the demise of all of modern global civilization also. However, it is imperative to avoid misleading people with hype, such as by claiming immanency on flimsy bases, like many pro-liberty commentators, like Smith and Armstrong, have been recently doing; unlike them, the Liberty Forecast Blog and Skousen’s World Affairs Brief have been sounding these warnings not just much earlier, but also much more carefully.

Distinguishing truth from hype is one of the main objectives of The Liberty Forecast Blog, along with documenting and warning about the impending demise of liberty, Western civilization. All those objectives are connected, rather than stand-alone.

For related examples, the audience can go here for explaining why the fears of hyperinflation are hype rather than truth; this one is another hype busting article which focuses on the hype surrounding the ability of BRICS to supplant the U.S. dollar as the world’s reserve currency.

Peddling hype of imminent world war is the proverbial wolf crying, which isn’t helpful and actually severely hurts the mission to help the masses overcome their current denial of the coming World War. This hype peddling also hinders the goal of educating the masses on the specific ways and complexities by which the three axes of power(The Western Globalists, primarily NATO, Russia, and China) are planning and gearing up for his war, the details of which are explained here and here.

In a nutshell, the Western Globalists have been building up China and Russia for decades as the enemies for the coming World War. In China’s case, the west, despite having an anti-communist foreign policy, withheld aid to Chiang Kai-Shek’s opposition to Mao Zedong’s communist takeover in the late 1940s, enabling China to grow into the communist nuclear superpower it is today. In Russia’s case, the West has purposefully allowed Russia to violate international arms limitations treaties to enable Russia’s nuclear arsenal growth; the opening up of trade in the post-Cold War era has also helped boost Russia’s conventional military capabilities. The western globalists want Russia and China to make the first strike so that the west can appear, though falsely, as the victim to justify claiming emergency powers to disregard national sovereignty, including the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights, to fight the war against these enemies(without of course revealing the truth about how the West built them up), and thereby merge all citizens of all Western NATO nations into a militarized global government, in other words, The New World Order. China and Russia have their own agendas to have a monopoly on a one world government, and so they are competing against each other and the West, who is competing with Russia and China, to have the monopoly on that militarized and totalitarian one world government.

For an audio explanation, the audience can tune into this Twitter(X) space, though a Twitter(X) account will be required to listen.

The ultimate goal and purpose of this article is to help well-meaning and pro-liberty commentators such as Smith, Armstrong, and many others, understand how to distinguish truth from hype, especially on very critical topics such as World War 3. Beyond just those commentators, this article is also meant to help their audiences, which are of considerable size, enhance their abilities to distinguish truth from hype.

Of course, developing the sense to distinguish truth from hype takes much time and effort, such as not just reading this article, but the links referenced in this post, along with listening to the Twitter(X) space shared earlier.

If their goal is to also better educate their audiences and help them, along with the broader masses, become better educated in distinguishing truth from hype, they should indeed make such time and effort. Hopefully everyone else does too.


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