See Below, but perhaps my title would have been more accurate had it read Democrats(formerly Republicans) vs. Socialists(formerly Democrats) plans to steal from the taxpayers…….yet AGAIN!!

It can truly be said that neither party is conservative and/or libertarian, especially on fiscal matters. With $3.2 trillion already passed, the deficit under the so-called conservative President Trump is even bigger than his liberal predecessor Barack Obama.
Other than overall, aggregate size, with Democrats i.e. Socialists wanting to spend over thrice as much, the biggest differences are in different sectors. The distribution is totally partisan
Take Republicans offering more aid to businesses, while the Democrats offer more for Health Care, unemployment benefits, aid to state/local governments, and safety net spending. Both parties are skewing distribution to the sectors that tend to vote for them.
Businesses, especially the small and medium-sized ones, tend to vote Republican whereas the unemployed, state/local politicians, health care employees, and retirees drawing from safety net funds tend to vote Democrat.
The worse part is the major misnomer in all of this. Both parties are calling their proposed socialistic stimulus proposals aid, which is totally wrong. Giving away “free” money to anybody, even struggling businesses, is not only unethical, it is harmful. The stimulus money will be a product of inflation, which as explained here, lowers the standard of living for the vast majority of people, and most especially hurts the poor. Arranging for the Federal Reserve to print money, by inflating the monetary base, on a scale of several trillion dollars and then for the treasury to borrow that sum when it as already well above $20 trillion plus in debt destroys the purchasing power of people’s money.
Although, it may be more likely that recipients will not spend the money, but rather pay down heavy expenses like rent, utilities, or massive credit card, and other kinds of, debt, it still opens the risk of price increases in consumer goods/services, which hurts the economy. However, the latter would only happen if people do go out and spend the money, especially rapidly. If that did happen, then the supply of consumer goods would start rapidly decreasing, causing shortages and price spikes, making consumer goods less affordable to the broad public, adding further evidence to how the stimulus, from either party, both of which now shamelessly practice socialist wealth redistribution through the the theft mechanisms of taxation and inflation, actually hurts, rather than helps, the economy.
But why should the politicians care? Its not as if the voters do. To them, the ramifications are either poorly understand or blatantly disregarded. As long as the money appears free and arrives in the voter’s hands, the only complaints and concerns about inflation will be as soft as whispers, especially in the mainstream media channels.
To the voters, its just like that famous scene with Cuba Gooding Jr. and Tom Cruise – “Show me the Money!”, is that the voters are clamoring. The politicians that show the most money, get the most votes. Of course, when the money runs out, and therefore no money is left to loot and divvy out, who then will get the votes? Hopefully, absolutely nobody; it wouldn’t be a day too soon!