Taxation Defined

I recently wrote this article defining government in arguably the most simple way possible.  I bet your schools don’t teach you that.  They probably don’t teach you what taxation truly is either. The good news is, I will.

Taxation is Legalized Theft

Of course, public schools are funded by property taxes, excuse me, I mean theft, so teachers have a conflict of interest that precludes them from educating the students about the truth about taxation – how convenient!  And yes, I know, the elected politicians stealing your money wear fancy three-piece suits(and the feminine equivalent), have nice haircuts(maybe except Bernie Sanders and the other cueballs), and live in fancy air-conditioned offices, unlike the scruffy, low-IQ street thieves you typically see in movies and TV shows.  Funny, maybe they ought to make a movie or TV program portraying politicians as thieves, which is what they are.

Yes, I know that politicians, excuse me, I meant to write thieves, use “the law” to legally steal from you, but that doesn’t make it any better, on ethical, economic, moral, or practical standpoints.

There are many reasons why taxation, at the very least on the federal level, ought to be abolished, but if one understands that taxation is just a tired euphemism for theft, and if one truly abhors theft(meaning everyone who doesn’t want their property taken by theft), then one ought to abhor taxation too.

I know schools, the media, celebrities, and most of all, politicians, with a few rare exceptions like Ron Paul, fail to properly inform the people about the true, hideous, nature of taxation, but that excuse is no longer valid with the existence of this blog post.

For those who may counter argue that taxation helps the poor and society couldn’t function without it, especially the income tax, I have the following to say:

-America didn’t have an income tax for most of its history(which sadly won’t any longer be true in the not too distant future) but still achieved industrial advancement, as well as the abolition of slavery.

-The income tax is being used to bail out rich special interest like Wall Street banks and third-world dictators. It is also being used to fund illegitimate and unconstitutional wars around the world, primarily in the Middle East, that result in the deaths of countless innocent lives what are wrongly and disgustingly written off as collateral damage.

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