Early Signs of Election Fraud(2022, 2024 & Beyond)

The Gateway Pundit recently reported that the Joe Biden Administration, which stole the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election, is creating a permanent U.S. Postal Service division to deliver and return ballots in U.S. Elections. As the Gateway Pundit remarks, the U.S. Postal Service is not only predominantly Democrat, endorsed Joe Biden in the 2020 election, and was also in the middle of corruption and suspected criminal activities in that 2020 election. As the Gateway Pundit also rightfully ask and point out, what could possibly go wrong?

As such, the forecast of this post is that like the 2020 U.S. Presidential election, the 2024 U.S. Presidential election will also be fraudulent, and the new positioning of the U.S. Postal Service as described above is one sign and element off pulling off the forecasted and upcoming election fraud. Otherwise, why would the U.S. Postal Service need to do this; what, because they care about election integrity? Not likely, considering they haven’t answered for their criminal activities in the 2020 election. On that note, it is the corrupt and incompetent Republican party establishment, largely through the corrupt Deep State former attorney general Bill Barr, who then President Donald Trump was fooled into appointing and trusting, that is as much to blame as the Democrats who are executing this criminal corruption. Most of the Republican Party, especially the top leadership, is also Deep State, despite all the lies they tell otherwise; the very tiny minority that isn’t Deep State or incompetent will get overpowered by the Deep State juggernaut pulling off this fraud.

One lesson the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election should’ve taught everybody is that nearly every single government in power, across the world, cheats. Perhaps the sabotaged Brexit vote in 2016 should’ve been the very earliest sign of this critical lesson. On top of the election fraud forecasted for the 2024 U.S. Presidential election, this post also forecasts election fraud in the mid-term elections of 2022, although the fraud will of a lesser degree. While some positions, like seats for the U.S. House of Representative and less so for the U.S. Senate races, will be stolen in the 2022 mid-term elections, not all of them will. In addition to the outright fraud that has become massively overt, the Deep State will most likely groom Republican candidates to be weak, compromised or leftist(liberal), despite dishonestly carrying the party affiliation of Republican.

For the sake of the continuity of civilization, beyond just in the United States, we should all pray for this post’s forecast to be dead wrong. If this post’s forecast doesn’t turn out to be wrong, nobody can say they weren’t warned, even if the elected officials and media failed in their duties to warn the public.

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