Forecasts & Predictions for 2023

With the end of 2022, here are my forecasts for the state of civilization and liberty for 2023. This list might not cover all important topics, but certainly all topics covered here are relevant for everybody.

  1. No new COVID lockdowns or mandates. This will likely be the most impactful forecast for the state of liberty and everyday life in the U.S., as well as the rest of Western civilization. Finally, after nearly two years, the people became overly fed up with all the COVID lockdowns, mask mandates, and even the vaccine mandates, though perhaps to a lesser degree than the former two. As such, the lockdowns, mask mandates, and other COVID-related illegal measures were lifted, even in the Democratic states like California and New Jersey, which had some of the most severe and long-lasting COVID-related restrictions. Given the sophisticated nature of the Western globalists and the Deep State, they likely won’t try the exact same COVID tricks and protocols as 2020, especially not too soon like in 2023. Even in China, the unreasonable and evil COVID-zero policies were met with potent protests, and despite being unarmed and going up against the absolutely brutal communist regime in China, the Chinese people were able to actually get the COVID-zero policies rolled back and stymied, even if temporarily. What could happen, and is far more likely than a COVID lock-down, is a climate emergency lock-down, whereby the people are spooked and fooled into shutting off their power or staying at home to avoid raising their carbon emissions, and thereby hurting the planet, as per the propaganda spewed out by the climate change agenda. However, even climate lockdowns are more unlikely, with a 50% chance at highest. This is because many of the Republican(Red) states don’t buy into the climate change belief that carbon emissions cause the climate to change, especially adversely. Unlike the medical conspiracy, like with the COVID-19 psy-op, Red states are more resistant and less susceptible to pressures related to climate change. Besides, climate lockdowns would be too disruptive and insufficiently subtle compared to mask mandates, where people could still go about their daily business, like shopping, but would have to do so with a mask on their face. Compared to being forced to stay at home, turning off the lights, television, heat and/or air conditioning, and not even driving outside, mask mandates tend to come off as less obvious and thereby less likely to trigger rebellion by the unsuspecting & gullible public.
  2. More inflation. Thanks to several years of Quantitative Easing, whereby the Federal Reserve(FED) increased the money supply by trillions of dollars, and then the $6 trillion COVID-19 bailout, inflation become so high to actually catch the attention of the people and the media in 2021, and carried over to 2022, as inflation still remains high, at least double-digits, notwithstanding all the efforts by the FED, such as quantitative tightening. This is because the economy, especially the financial markets(stocks, bonds, derivatives, etc.) have become way too dependent on loose credit and low interest rates, both of which have been fueled by inflation rather than real savings. The FED will eventually retard and reverse course on raising interest rates to prevent a prolonged recession, which will become too popular, even at the cost of continuing high inflation.
  3. Fed rate hikes to pivot and loosen, probably in second half of 2023, to avoid further plunging the economy, especially the financial markets, into a prolonged recession, as connected to forecast number 2. Along with the aftermath damage of the supply chain disruptions from the COVID lockdowns in 2020, this means consumer and industrial prices will generally remain high, could rise even further, and most likely won’t decrease.
  4. Gas prices to either stop dropping and/or rise again. The main reason gasoline prices came down in the second half of 2022 after the enormous price rise in the early part of 2022 was because the Biden administration drained gasoline from the Strategic Petroleum Reserves(SPR) in order to boost the supply of gasoline to thereby lower the price, but only temporarily. The SPR is finite, and so there’s only so much gasoline that can be drained before prices go higher because the Biden administration has restricted and stifled too much refinery activity and new oil production, such as through fracking. Furthermore, the SPR is meant only for true emergency situations, unlike the man-made emergency unnecessarily caused by excessively restrictive and costly regulations. The SPR is not meant to drain to counteract the idiotic & destructive policies restricting oil production and refining; therefore, as a nation and civilization, the United States becomes much less prepared for emergencies, and thereby much more prone to eventual demise.
  5. An increase in the national debt. Whether Democrats or Republicans control the White House, this always unfortunately seems to be guaranteed, on top of the $1.7 trillion Omnibus Bill that was just signed with a whopping 18 Republican Senators voting for it. Expect more of the same and business as usual in Washington, D.C.
  6. Subtle Gun Control. With the Republicans in control of the House of Representatives, it is very likely that no additional gun control laws will pass in the legislature. However, more indirect methods are likely to come, such as perhaps bills mandating more extended federal background checks, promoted as common sense safety legislation, especially to convince Republican representatives to comply. Those representatives will very likely risk losing re-election, and rightfully so, so I’ll give even this indirect form of gun control a low probability. What is more likely is private forms of gun control, such as credit card companies simply denying purchases to go through by cardholders shopping at firearms merchants; here is a reported example. These credit card processing corporations could collude and cooperate with the U.S. federal government, similarly to how other major corporations, like pharmaceuticals and social media, to name a few, do.
  7. Putin will continue the war in Ukraine, but won’t win. Win is defined as fully occupying and conquering all of Ukraine(not just the eastern part closer to the Russian border), solidified by a declaration of surrender by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. Because of China’s help via weapons sales, Russia won’t quit the assault on Ukraine, but won’t conquer or win either. To the surprise of many, especially conservative Western commentators, Russian president Vladimir Putin has struggled immensely to occupy and conquer Ukraine. His struggles have also shown that contrary to some expectations, Russia’s conventional military is quite weak. The fact that Ukraine has received immense taxpayer-funded weapons aid shows that Russia’s conventional weaponry is no match for the West’s. Russia’s nuclear arsenal, on the other hand, is a totally different story. Russia’s nuclear arsenal is very powerful, likely the most powerful in the world, even more so than the United States and the rest of the West. That being said, Putin will only strike the West when China is ready to join him; this will likely not be earlier than 2028, go here for more information. China’s lack of retaliation against Taiwan this year for Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan shows that China is very far from ready to strike the West, more on this in the next forecast(#8). With all that being said, Putin’s threat that he made this past year to launch a nuclear against the West is a bluff, and will be until China is ready to join him in the nuclear strike, the absolute very earliest of which will be 2028, but more likely one of the following few years.
    • Correction on 1/2/2023: As predicted two years ago here, Israel will likely go to war with Iran, which Israel, along with the rest of the Western Globalist Cabal(led by the United States), have so badly wanted, especially with Iran’s progress in nuclear enrichment following the end of the JCPOA, a.k.a. the Iran Deal. The former Israeli intelligence chief is calling for an attack soon. But, the official Defense Ministry is saying, “2-3 years” from now—to throw off the Iranians from knowing it will be sooner. So when the war between Israel and Iran comes in 2023, the West will cease providing military aid to Ukraine and shift their aid transfer to Israel. This will also divert any Western aid to Taiwan against the coming Chinese invasion, as also forecasted in this post. Just like the West has historically eventually cut off support after initially giving it to nations opposing communist subjugation, such as Nationalist China in 1949, Cuba, Nicaragua, Vietnam, etc.), Western aid will be cut off from Ukraine. This will result in Eastern Ukraine falling into permanent Russian hegemony and occupation. Within the year 2023, Putin will likely not be able to fully occupy Western Ukraine especially because it will take at least a few months for the war between Israel and Iran to start. What is more likely is that Putin will regroup his military assets to try to take Ukraine the year after, especially once he is sure that the West is fully entrenched in giving Israel and perhaps also Taiwan more of its military aid than Ukraine.
  8. China will invade Taiwan. As explained a little already, China did not invade Taiwan this year, but the forecast of this post is that they will invade Taiwan in 2023, probably in the first half of the year. Most likely, China is being meticulous and slow to time the invasion of Taiwan correctly so as to not provoke or risk triggering a retaliation by the West, given China’s profound lack of readiness to fight the West at this time.
  9. Further nuclear provocations on the DMZ, the border between South Korea & North Korea. Both Kim Jong-Un, the current dictator of North Korea, and the United States are acting provocatively. Kim’s provocations are by nuclear missile tests and launches that haven’t crossed either the land or maritime DMZ border, but have gotten close. Meanwhile, the U.S. is stationing more nuclear capable assets near the DMZ, which is the nature of its provocation vs. Kim’s. The U.S. wants to provoke North Korea to cross the DMZ and attack South Korea; this is because the U.S. has 47,000 troops in South Korea, so if Kim attacks, the U.S. would be forced to retaliate, to which China would be forced to defend it’s neighbor and puppet North Korea, and if China becomes forced to retaliate to defend North Korea, the only way they can do it and minimize the probability of losing against the West is by also launching a nuclear strike on the West, either simultaneously to coming to North Korea’s direct defense or very soon after that. That nuclear war is what the West needs and desires in order to convince and force the citizens of the U.S., and all other Western nations, to surrender their national sovereignty and accept joining a One World Government, the New World Order, to save the people from the Chinese threat which the West created and built up ever since the end of World War II. Among many key takeaways from this forecast, the near-term, meaning before 2028, North Korean trigger for nuclear war depends and hinges upon China’s efficacy in controlling its puppet Kim and how well China ensures Kim never goes rogue and/or disobeys China’s directives.

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