George Floyd Protesters Defying Government Curfew & Social Distancing – Can we now defy Government Income Tax?

And also ask for the elimination of it, which would be the best way to defund or at the very least, reduce funding, for police, as the protesters are demanding, rightfully so. After all, if we withhold consent to give our hard-earned income to mafia-like tax collectors, does the IRS respect our fundamental individual liberties to refuse to be coerced into forfeiting our earnings? Not a chance – in fact they’ll send armed enforces, much like the police, to arrest you, force you into court, and seize more of your assets, which ironically makes you less able to pay taxes in the future!

And for what, to fund more government waste, as evidenced by the reliably growing national debt every single year since the start of the millennium??!! Unconstitutional and illegal NSA surveillance on nearly all electronic communication, which is soon to become law through the EARN IT Act, unconstitutional, illegal, and murderous wars and drone strikes, bailing out reckless and sleazy large corporations, mainly the Wall Street banks are all the horrors financed by stolen taxpayer money.

Why aren’t the protestors, rioters, and looters calling for defunding the IRS and abolishing the income tax, on both federal and state levels? I suppose most of them don’t have jobs, and therefore don’t pay taxes, making it an unworthy cause for them, although the cause would be very much worthy for promoting liberty. Then again, as a looter, why would you have a problem with legalized looting, such as taxation? You wouldn’t, and certainly the looters in the George Floyd protestors don’t – the reality is, they want to take part in the looting the IRS has already been doing so that they can get the spoils, knowing fully well that the police will be derelict in their duty to preserve peace and order, and that the innocent target civilians have been very disarmed through state and local level gun control measures. This is another reason why gun control is absolutely foolish and unethical, contrary to what the mainstream media and too many politicians would have the public believe. I guess it can be safely said that they don’t care about liberty, but rather power, making them no better than the closet socialists currently controlling our government and now openly crushing virtually all liberties through draconian forced quarantines, social distancing, mark wearing, which will likely be soon followed with forced contact tracing, vaccinations, and only the lord knows what else.

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