How Democrat Legislators Should Be Punished For Dereliction of Duty

On July 12th, 2021, the Democratic members of the Texas House of Representatives abdicated their duties and fled to Washington, D.C. by private jet. This is the equivalent of someone not showing up to work, except in this case it is far worse because these Democrats are public servants and elected officials, and therefore should be held to a higher standard. While Governor Greg Abbott’s reaction to arrest these Democrats is well-intentioned, unfortunately it doesn’t do enough to hold them accountable. The proposed punishment for these Democrats who violated and disrespected the Texas legislature and the people of Texas will be the true just punishment for such dereliction of duty.

While the Democrats should certainly be arrested and forced to their job as Governor Abbott has been trying to do, these Democrat members of the Texas House of Representatives should also lose their chance for re-election. Although people in the private sector tend to get fired for skipping work, in the case of these Democrat members of the Texas House of Representatives, the same thing shouldn’t be done to the abdicating Democrats, even if these legislators tend to vote in ways that violate liberty. Firing the Democrat members of the Texas House of Representatives would remove the balance of power necessary to keep the Texas Republicans, and all other opposition to the Democrats, from abusing power.

Therefore, the proposal put forth in this post is to strip the Democrat members of the Texas House of Representatives of their eligibility to run for re-election. This will certainly force the people of their districts to select more responsible replacements, whether Democrat or not, but such is their civic duty, which they are obligated to exercise. This will take away any incentive for any further inappropriate and unprofessional abdication of duty by Democrats, Republicans, or any other political party. If this isn’t yet legislation on this books, then it ought to be, and the Texas Republicans and Governor Abbott ought to make every effort to make it so.

More reasons why this punishment would be appropriate is that all those Democrats flew on private jets without wearing masks, a luxury the majority of their constituents don’t get to enjoy. Even those who have taken the gene therapy shot that is masquerading as a vaccine must still wear masks on commercial flights. Yet, taking the gene therapy shot is the excuse Democrat James Talarico gave to Pete Hegseth of FOX News for the avoidance of mask wearing by himself and his Democrat colleagues on their expensive and elitist private jet flight to Washington, D.C. Yet despite Talarico’s excuse, three of the abdicating Democrats tested positive for COVID-19, yet they seem to get away with violating FAA regulations and causing more COVID-19 contagion pretty-much scot-free. I guess Talarico and the Texas Democrats only speak about containing COVID-19, but don’t really care about stopping the spread as shown through their reckless actions. Furthermore, Talarico even told Hegseth he opposes voter ID – yes, an actual Texas state representative opposes voter ID. This is especially shameful considering Talarico went to Harvard, which means he has no excuse to not know that the actions he and his colleagues took are egregious, and therefore never should be done.

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