New World Order Defined: The End of Liberty & Civilization

The New World Order(NWO) is the plan by some of the world’s most influential groups, especially in the areas of politics, banking, and media, to destroy the sovereignty of every nation, destroy all fundamental individual liberties, and coerce all of humanity under a One World Government with absolute, dictatorial power. The power and ruthlessness that the NWO will wield will dwarf that of history’s most heinous, brutal and murderous tyrants, such as Adolf Hitler, Josef Stalin, Mao Zedong, and Kim-Jong Il. A big forecast of this blog is that liberty will perish by the latter half of the 2020-2030 decade, which will mark the official beginning of the NWO. Even at the time of this writing, liberty is already on life support, pretty much everywhere in the world.

Implications of the NWO

Humanities greatest achievements for discovering, protecting, and preserving liberty, namely the Magna Carta & U.S. Constitution, and Bill of Rights by extension, are in grave danger of becoming nullified by the orchestrators of the NWO. In addition to safeguarding liberty, the Magna Carta and U.S. Constitution empowered the individual citizens, not just the royalty or oligarchy; the NWO seeks to reverse that and concentrate all power into an oligarchy, the nature of which will be elaborated later on in this post. All the liberties that humanity has achieved to this point, such as, to name a few, rights to free speech and free press, the right to bear arms, and rights to trial by jury, will all be things of the past. The same shall be true of the principles we take for granted today, such as innocent before proven guilty, due process of law, and private property ownership. Everything, including people themselves, will be owned and fully controlled by a few people who get to have control of all power and authority of the One World Government. Those who will end up wielding all that power are by no means benevolent; on the contrary, they are the ones trying to push humanity into World War 3(WWIII). Once WWIII initiates, the oligarchy, intending to force the NWO upon humanity, will have their justification, WWIII, to destroy all hard-earned liberties, and then establish a totalitarian dictatorship.

All the major problems that radical communist nations like Cuba, Venezuela and North Korea have, such as rampant poverty, starvation, political corruption, and generally speaking, lack of opportunities and low standards of living, will be experienced by all of humanity under the NWO.

Who are the groups trying to create the NWO and Destroy Liberty?

Here, the oligarchy mentioned above will be defined and explained. While many groups are colluding together to destroy liberty and force humanity to live as slaves under the NWO, the primary group which sets the strategy for the NWO is the Council on Foreign Relations(CFR). Contrary to the popular narrative, the CFR is not benevolent; in fact, the CFR is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. This is very much in line with their strategy of imposing Fabian Socialism, whereby socialism is subtly and gradually installed into civilization through legislation and fooling the public into believing that socialism is benevolent; on the contrary, it is by far the most destructive philosophy ever thought of by mankind. Some of the more open socialists, mainly the communists such as Fidel Castro, Josef Stalin, and Pol Pot, tend to use ostentatious military takeovers to quickly, rather than gradually, impose and enforce socialism. Rather than soldiers and weapons that dictators like Castro and Stalin used to impose socialism and tyranny, the CFR, and all the elected politicians who belong to its network, will impose socialism and tyranny more subtly, through innocuous-looking, but destructive, legislation. In most countries outside the United States, the techniques of the communists tend to work better. However, in countries like the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom, there exists a large enough quantity of people who don’t easily succumb to socialism by outright military force, which is why the CFR exercises the more gradual and subtle method of Fabian Socialism, using legislation rather than armed forces like the well-known communists did. Sadly, and very disturbingly, the CFR has been very successful in its strategies and goals. As G. Edward Griffin explains in “The Creature From Jekyll Island”, “it is important to know at this point that almost all of America’s leadership has come from this small group. That includes our presidents and their advisers, cabinet members, ambassadors, board members of the Federal Reserve System, directors of the largest banks and investment houses, presidents of universities, and heads of metropolitan newspapers, news services, and TV Networks. It is not an exaggeration to describe this group as the hidden government of the United States.”1

Make no mistake, the glorious institutions such as the United Nations(UN), the Federal Reserve(Fed), the other major central banks of the world, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, The Bank of International Settlements, all the various international trade agencies and agreements such as the WTO, USMCA, and GATT, are all elements that compose the NWO. While there are more, the ones mentioned in the previous sentence are the most significant and influential in the economic and political lives of all of humanity. In a nutshell, the UN will serve as the main law-making, enforcement, and judiciary arm of the NWO. Additionally, the Fed, other central banks, the IMF, and World Bank will serve as the lending arm and treasury of the NWO. As it stands today, taxpayers in wealthy countries, like the U.S., Canada, United Kingdom etc., are forced to pay for “loans” that go to third-world dictators. Contrary to what taxpayers in wealthy countries are told, those “loans” don’t go towards economic development or welfare optimization; they instead arrive in the hands of dictators who use the loans to exacerbate their dictatorial reigns, while never repaying back the “loans”. Nobody will get a chance to elect those who run any of these organizations that will compose the NWO, nor will the laws they impose come from any legitimate document or legislative process such as the Magna Carta or the U.S. Constitution. All the liberties achieved by many deaths and bloody conflicts of past generations for the benefit of posterity will go up in smoke. The NWO will mark the second coming of the Dark Ages. National and individual sovereignty will be abolished; there will be no more countries with different styles of government. All of humanity will be forced to live and be oppressed by a singular, one world government i.e. the NWO.

To top it off, Carroll Quigley, a CFR insider, states in his book “Tragedy and Hope”, “There does exist and has existed for a generation, an international Anglophile network which operates, to some extent, in the way the radical Right believes the Communists act. In fact, this network, which we may identify as the Round Table groups, has no aversion to cooperating with the Communists, or any other groups, and frequently does so. I know of the operations of this network because I have studied it for 20 years and was permitted for two years, in the early 1960s, to examine its papers and secret record.”

Quigley himself describes the NWO as “…nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences…3

Quigley further comments: The Council on Foreign Relations is the American branch of a society which originated in England … [and] … believes national boundaries should be obliterated and one-world rule established.

Lastly, Quigley, unlike his CFR associates, wanted to proudly expose the plan rather than conceal it. Quigley states “I have no aversion to it or to most of its aims and have, for much of my life, been close to it and to many of its instruments….In general my chief difference of opinion is that it wishes to remain unknown”2

To further prove how the CFR truly rules the U.S., Bill Clinton, a total puppet for the masterminds of the NWO, while campaigning for his first term, mentioned Quigley as an influential mentor in this speech here.

How will the NWO Come to Pass?

The NWO will come into being through the false-flag event that the CFR intends to ignite in order to push the United States, and the entire world, into World War III. Go here for details. Once World War III begins, all of humanity will be fooled and weakened into submitting themselves to the NWO, surrendering all liberties with it. Just like in 9/11, as discussed in great detail here, and the unconstitutional, ineffective lockdowns precipitated by the over-exaggerated COVID-19 pandemic, humanity will fail to see through the false-flag nature of the nuclear strike on the U.S. that the CFR intends to use to force the NWO upon all of humanity. Make no mistake, extreme poverty, genocide, and slavery will be but a few of the extremely horrific consequences of the NWO. Even at the time of this writing, during the lockdowns precipitated by the COVID-19 pandemic, many people who are alert about the decline in liberty, are already becoming referred to as the Great Reset. The Great Reset is preparation and an overture for the official arrival of the NWO.

While it is this author’s belief that the NWO cannot be stopped because the current generation of humanity failed to learn about it, let alone take action to thwart it, it is this author’s hope that some generation down the road will have what it takes to learn and take action to restore liberty to humanity once again. Hopefully this post, and all other posts on this blog, as well as all recommended sources on this blog, can provide the educational instructions, the guidelines, on how to restore a republic forged and stabilized by liberty, peace, and prosperity, not coercion, war, and feudalistic poverty that the NWO will impose on all of humanity. When future generations of humanity ask what their ancestors did to ensure that the NWO would never be unjustly imposed on those who are yet to be born, how good will the answers be?


  1. Creature from Jekyll Island, pg. 250
  2. Creature from Jekyll Island, pg. 268
  3. Creature from Jekyll Island, pg. 269