*Update December 25th 2020: Included the consideration of PDD-60, read below for more*
“Those who don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it” – George Santayana
World War I & World War II have come and gone. World War III is yet to come, but inevitably will, even if not imminently. All three wars have or will have been precipitated by false flag events and have all be instrumental as milestones to achieving a One World Government Dictatorship, also known as the New World Order. The major differences between the three World Wars, aside of course from the years, are the major enemies of the United States and the severity of the weapons, both of which become massively bigger in each subsequent World War. Below is the timeline with explanations:
World War I
The False Flag Event: The sinking of the Lusitania in European waters.
Major Enemy to the U.S.: Germany, and Italy secondarily
The German embassy tried to warn Americans about maritime dangers and hostilities at the time, which means that the American government had the knowledge to warn and prevent any Americans from boarding the Lusitania1. Furthermore, the boat was loaded with ammunition, further putting it in danger of being struck by German U-boat submarines, to which again Germany tried to alert the American people1. Despite this, the Lusitania was still commissioned to sail, the Germans attacked and sank the boat, and the American casualties, which could’ve and should’ve easily been avoided, functioned as the event that propelled America into World War I.
Like in World War II, one of the lesser known goals of engaging in the war was to create a One World Government2. In that time, this was mostly manifested by the League of Nations2.
World War II
False Flag Event: The attack by Japan on Pearl Harbor in Hawaii.
Major Enemies to the U.S.: Germany & Japan, not only were more innocent lives killed by the Japanese than the Nazis, the Japanese Empire was far more expansive as they had a good part of China, both modern-day Koreas, most of southeast Asia like Vietnam, the Philippines, and even all the way close to northern Australia. Furthermore, unlike the German military, Japan’s was not considerably weakened by the Soviet Union prior to U.S. engagement into World War II.
The U.S. not only refused to lift its oil embargo on Japan, which very obviously and severely crippled its economy, but also had advanced knowledge of the oncoming attack. Additionally, The Helu newspaper warned about the oncoming attack before it happened. Despite this, the American government, as well as the people, did nothing to prepare for or prevent the attack. For the government, I allege that this was purposeful in order to give America a reason to enter into what was, prior to the attack, a very unpopular war. By letting Japan attack America in Pearl Harbor, the people had enough trauma to suspend their pacifist inclinations and support the entry into World War II, just like how the Lusitania attack convinced Americans to get onboard to enter World War I, just like how a nuclear strike by China will do the same regarding the upcoming World War III.
Like in World War I, one of the lesser known, but significant, goals of the globalists controlling the governments of the biggest nations was to achieve the next stage of evolution and development of One World Government Dictatorship. This stage of the evolution was called the United Nations, which sadly still exists today in its continuing attempts to undermine the sovereignty of each individual nation.
World War III
False Flag Event: A joint nuclear and EMP strike by both China and Russia. Why is this a false flag event? It is because the Anglo Western Globalists(AWG), who control the governments of the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, and all other western nations, desire the strike by China and Russia, and are provoking the strike. After absorbing a nuclear strike from China that the globalists controlling America purposefully will have arranged, World War III will start. The major differences in World War III compared to previous World Wars are, aside of course from the years, are the following:
- The major enemies, China and Russia, are far bigger and more aggressive than the major enemies of World War I and World War II, which were Germany and Japan respectively.
- The weapons in World War III are nuclear, which means the destruction, both on and off the battlefield, to life, property, and liberty will be far worse, to a level way beyond quantifiable measures, than that sustained in the previous world wars.
How are the AWG provoking the joint strike by Russia and China?
Number one, the AWG are purposefully permitting Russia to get away with violating nearly all international nuclear arms limitations treaties and agreements, such as INF, SALT and START 1 and 2. Russia’s continued expansion of its nuclear arsenal is part of its grand deception of ending Soviet rule and communism, which still exists in Russia and many “former” Soviet states, but in the shadows, similar to how the Deep State operates in the United States. The only logical reason that the AWG would allow Russia to get away with these egregious treaty and arms limitations violations is because the AWG wants to build Russia up as one of the future enemies(China the other) in order to get the long-desired next world war with both Russia and China, in order to force all citizens of the Western world, and eventually the rest of the world, into a One World Government, in other words, The New World Order.
Regarding China, it is imperative to understand that the AWG permitted and enabled communist rule to consume China all the way back during The Chinese Revolution in 1949. Especially with the anti-communist foreign policy doctrine that the United States and NATO had at the time, it is especially confusing and contradictory that the West didn’t aid Chiang Kia-Shek’s opposition to Mao Zedong’s communist forces. However, the West needed to build China up as the other future enemy to eventually have the long desired war, which likely will come in the latter half of the 2020 decade at the earliest. As of the time of this writing, China is saying its military will be the best in the world by 2027, which indicates that specific year as the very earliest that China will feel ready and confident enough to defeat the West in war. Like China, Russia has also increased its nuclear and conventional military arsenal at alarming rates. In the case of China, however, China has for decades been lying about keeping its nuclear stockpile flat, when in fact it has increased them over the past years and decades; as of the time of this writing, China’s nuclear arsenal is almost on par with that of the United States.
As explained in the December 1, 2023 version of the World Affairs Brief:
“Nuclear Warheads: In 2022, Beijing continued its rapid nuclear expansion, and DoD estimates that the PRC possessed more than 500 operational nuclear warheads as of May 2023—on track to exceed previous projections. I think, as usual, the DOD underestimates the nuclear threat.
They don’t have any way of knowing how many warheads China has hidden away in their extensive cave systems. Clear back in 2015-2017 China was testing and beginning to deploy is DF-41 long-range Ballistic Missile system, with 10 MIRV warheads. China is expected to build and deploy at least 100 of these missiles and that will require at least 4000 warheads. This doesn’t count China’s multiple submarines with nuclear missiles.
China is also continuing to build out the three new missile silo fields it started in 2022, which consists of at least 300 new ICBM silos. It has already loaded at least some ICBMs into these silos. This project and the expansion of China’s liquid-propellant silo force is meant to increase the “peacetime readiness” of its nuclear force by moving to a launch-on-warning (LOW) posture.
China knows silo-based missiles are vulnerable to nuclear strikes, so they will plan on making sure those silos are empty by launching on warning when a US retaliatory strike is launched. In contrast, PDD-60 still in force in the US directing our missile forces NOT to launch on warning—which is suicidal. That is why PDD-60 is still secret, and few in the military know about it.”
Despite all the talk by the United States(U.S.) of wanting to spread democracy and deter nuclear threats in the Middle East in an attempt to justify its illegitimate wars in countries like Iraq, Afghanistan, and Libya, the U.S. lets Russia, China, and even North Korea get away scot-free with expanding their nuclear arsenals, which unlike Middle Eastern nations, are true existential threats to Western Civilization, and by extension, all of global civilization. Furthermore, all of these wasteful illegitimate military ventures in the Middle East establish the reputation of the AWG as the bullies of the world, to which China and Russia can and will use to justify launching a nuclear strike on the West, although of course China and Russia want to have the monopoly on the tyrannical New World Order. See this post for more reference.
This is why the joint nuclear strike by China and Russia qualifies as a false flag attack, because the AWG know about these brewing threats, are permitting these threats to grow and fester, and will manipulatively use the attack to ignite World War III and impose the New World Order on all of humanity.
It is also important to note that an EMP strike preceding a nuclear strike is part of Chinese and Russian military war doctrine. Specifically, by cutting off all electricity and military communications capabilities via the EMP strike, the enemies can then launch a nuclear strike 15 minutes after to cripple all military bases in the United States. But won’t the U.S. launch its nuclear missiles before the enemy missiles hit U.S. soil? The answer is no, thanks to PDD-60. Read the Opposing Arguments Debunked section of this post for the full explanation regarding why PDD-60 matters tremendously.
But if the U.S. allows Russia and China to annihilate its national military by the enemy nuclear strikes, how will the U.S. win the war – what weapons will remain to fight the war? Number one, the space-based weapons that the U.S. currently possesses. As James Mattis, Secretary of Defense under President Donald Trump, explained, the Pentagon has a one trillion dollar budget that is off the official Pentagon budget accounts for space-based weapons. Furthermore, NATO is currently grooming a world government military in the shadows, which will be revealed and unleashed after the nuclear strike to fight against the Russian and Chinese enemies. As a condition for accepting help from this western world government military, the citizens of all western nations will be forced to surrender their liberty and fundamental rights, along with agreeing to be subjugated by the Western One World Government, in other words, The New World Order.
Opposing Arguments Debunked
Many disbelievers to the prediction presented in this post tend to believe in Mutually Assured Destruction(MAD). What MAD means is essentially, the Chinese and Russians will never dare to strike the U.S., or vice-versa, as the retaliation by the opponents would destroy every axis of the war. MAD may prevail RIGHT NOW, but down the road, by the latter half of the 2020-2030 decade, China and/or Russia WILL be ready to strike the U.S., with the belief that they can actually defeat the U.S. and its western allies. The globalists controlling U.S. want China and/or Russia to strike, as that strike will serve as the false flag event to ignite WW III, and then usher in a One World Government, forcing all citizens, both in the U.S. and everywhere else, to surrender their fundamental individual liberties; dissidents will be targeted and persecuted like Jews in Germany were by the Nazis during Adolf Hitler’s reign. Additionally, the U.S. globalists are purposefully depleting military resources in order to feign weakness, to make the Chinese and Russians feel confident of victory by ultimately launching the nuclear strike so heavily desired by the AWG. Finally, as per the update to this forecast, PDD-60 is instrumental in refuting arguments in disagreement with this forecast. PDD-60 stands for Presidential Decision Directive 60, which is a protocol that only allows the United States to RETALIATE after a absorbing a nuclear strike, thereby restricting the U.S. from counter-striking any airborne nuclear warheads launched by any enemies. The U.S. can only retaliate after the missiles reach their destination, meaning essentially all U.S. military bases and nuclear missile silos. PDD-60 is so hard-coded that even if let’s say President Donald Trump wanted to launch a nuclear weapon against North Korea, the codes would prevent him, (while he was sitting in the Oval Office) the most powerful man in the world, from doing so. The critical question then becomes, with what could the U.S. possible retaliate? The answer is nothing, and this is done purposefully. Thanks to PDD-60, which passed during Bill Clinton’s administration, MAD, even today, hardly prevails
For more in PDD-60, please read the following excerpt from the August 16, 2016 release of the World Affairs Brief, which is a recommended source on this blog:
But our nuclear arsenal is only a paper tiger if our leaders intend to absorb a nuclear first strike, as strongly suggested by Bill Clinton’s Presidential Decision Directive 60 (PDD-60). While still classified “top secret,” we know from the disarmament lobby—which helped write the directive—what is in it. I covered this many years ago but I feel it is time to review this nuclear doctrine since all of us are the intended victims of its suicidal terms. The following is from Arms Control Today, Vol 27, Nov/Dec 1997:
“THE CLINTON administration quietly made a significant change in U.S. strategic nuclear doctrine in November by formally abandoning guidelines issued by the Reagan administration in 1981 that the United States must be prepared to fight and win a protracted nuclear war. The new presidential decision directive (PDD-60), details of which were first reported in The Washington Post on December 7 [how fitting—on Pearl Harbor Day, where the US was betrayed by its own government who knew of the coming attack], operates from the premise that the primary role of nuclear weapons in the post-Cold War era is deterrence.
New Guidelines: Due to its highly classified nature, many specific details about the PDD have not been made public. [One of the most important secret provisions is that the alternate launch codes for submarine commanders has been removed, so that no missiles can be launched if the White House doesn’t issue the codes from the president’s nuclear briefcase, “the football.”] Nevertheless, Bell confirmed that “We have made an important change in terms of strategic nuclear doctrine in reorienting our presidential guidance away from any sense that you could fight and win a protracted nuclear war to a strategic posture that focuses on deterrence.”
The administration made the decision to rewrite the old nuclear guidelines early in 1997 [to meet disarmament goals]. At that time, General John Shalikashvili, then-chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, explained to President Clinton that the United States could not reduce its nuclear arsenal to the level that was being discussed for START III (2,000 to 2,500 deployed strategic warheads) and carry out the objectives of the 1981 nuclear guidelines. Bell pointed out that this assumed that the goals of the old guidelines could ever have been realized—a skepticism that has been voiced by former Reagan administration officials. Hence, one key factor influencing the administration’s decision to rewrite the old guidelines was that they were not compatible with the U.S. objective of achieving further strategic force reductions with the Russians [which the Russians have never complied with, except with older missiles they needed to retire anyway].
Moreover, the administration viewed the 1981 guidelines as an anachronism of the Cold War. The notion that the United States still had to be prepared to fight and win a protracted nuclear war today seemed out of touch with reality given the fact that it has been six years since the collapse of the Soviet Union. [But the collapse was a carefully crafted deception, helping justify these kinds of disarmament decisions.] In this connection, [Disarmament lobbyist Robert] Bell said the 1981 directive “reads like a document you would expect to have been written at the height of the Cold War, not something that you would want operative today….”
Launch on Warning: In a December 23 interview, Robert Bell, senior director for defense policy and arms control at the National Security Council, provided additional information about the PDD and clarified some misperceptions in the press with respect to the Clinton administration’s policy on “launch on warning” and the use of nuclear weapons against a chemical or biological weapons attack.
Bell said the press had incorrectly indicated that the PDD “still allows” the United States to launch nuclear weapons upon receiving warning of an attack. Bell emphasized that “there is no change in this PDD with respect to U.S. policy on launch on warning and that policy is that we do not, not rely on it.” In fact, Bell said “in this PDD we direct our military forces to continue to posture themselves in such a way as to not rely on launch on warning— to be able to absorb a nuclear strike and still have enough force surviving to constitute credible deterrence.” [US Marine General Butch Neil is said to have responded, “retaliate with what?”]
Bell pointed out that while the United States has always had the “technical capability” to implement a policy of launch on warning, it has chosen not to do so. “Our policy is to confirm that we are under nuclear attack with actual detonations before retaliating,” he said.
Let me explain very plainly why this is national suicide. With a “Launch on Warning” doctrine the one who launches second wins. Here’s why: With ballistic missiles, once the warheads are released high in the atmosphere and start their downward trajectory, their destination is fixed; they cannot be retargeted. When US satellites detect that launch, it still takes some 20 minutes to arrive on target, so if we launch on warning our missiles can be in the air before the enemy’s strike home, and thus the incoming missiles hit empty silos, while ours can be retargeted before launch to hit active targets.
PDD-60 hints to the military that they aren’t going to get the codes allowing a launch and that they are going to have to absorb the first strike. But in this scenario, all US silo based missiles are destroyed as well as all major Air Force bases. Any bombers still on the ground are toast. Having bombers loaded with weapons and on alert is part of a Launch on Warning strategy. None of them today are on alert.
What about our missile submarines (SLBMs)? Convenient for globalist plans, President Clinton also issued a mandate that 50% of our submarines will stay in port at any given time, as a gesture to Russia that we are no threat. That doctrine is still in force. And, of the 5 or 6 missile submarines that might be available to launch, they won’t be able to if a globalist is in the White House and decides not to allow the launch. Even if they did launch, the Trident submarine warheads are not powerful enough to penetrate hardened military bunkers.”
Another critical harbinger of the upcoming World War III is that many high-ranking government officials are investing in underground nuclear shelters. This is because they know the nuclear attack is coming and they intend to be prepared to survive it and then emerge from their shelters to not only lie about never knowing about the attack, but to then claim to be the only possible saviors, along with the coming world government military, which will be used as an instrument for totalitarian rule. Actions speak louder than words, and they wouldn’t be investing in such shelters unless the attack was truly coming in the future.
Another key phenomenon to understand is the purposeful degradation of morality, culture, ethics, and virtues in the entire western world. As documented on this page on the Liberty Forecast Blog, the entire western world is purposefully allowing moral, cultural, and ethical degradation to occur in various forms such as wokeness, transgenderism, weakening of men, and feminism, to name a few. This is because the western globalists want to weaken western men to make all western nations look weak and beatable to Russia and China, essentially much like a common chess gambit to entice the desired nuclear strike. Interestingly, Russia and China are not engaging in the similar moral, cultural, and ethical degradation, and this is because they want and need their men to be strong(physically and mentally) to fight the war against the western nations.
Before getting to the conclusion, it is also imperative to understand that only this coming World War III can bring about the ultimate establishment of the absolute and totalitarian New World Order. Despite the claims of many, schemes like the 9/11 deception, the COVID-19 psy-op, and the Great Reset won’t achieve the ultimate manifestation of the New World Order, only World War III will, and the war will only happen when BOTH Russia and China are ready to strike the west. Russia is ready, but only has the nuclear arsenal to combat the west. Russia does not have the conventional military to consolidate the gains of a preemptive nuclear strike or to occupy the entire western world; this is where Russia will need to wait for China to be fully ready, which China isn’t, and wont’ be until at least 2027 as explained earlier. On this note, this is how I’ve been accurately able to call the bluff by Vladimir Putin, Russia’s current President, to launch nuclear strikes on the west, which Putin has been making since about late 2022, resulting from his frustration in failing to fully occupy Ukraine, which has been receiving western military aid since Putin’s initial invasion in February 2022. Putin cannot launch the nuclear strike until China is ready, and because China isn’t ready, that’s how we can be sure that Putin’s threat today(as of late 2022 to the time of this writing) is a bluff. Putin’s threat is a bluff today, but won’t be once China is also ready to strike the west.
What the next stage of the United Nations will be called in the aftermath of World War III will remain a mystery. What is not a mystery is the inevitability of the war and the absolute obliteration of the following:
-Western Civilization, and by extension, all of global civilization
Will humanity have what it takes to avoid World War III? As much as I’d love to believe so, I simply cannot, just like I cannot believe that I can play tennis and win Wimbledon like Roger Federer, although I would certainly love to believe so. If not, then at least posterity will know how and why they never got to live in a civilization and/or republic forged and sustained by liberty, peace, prosperity, and morals.
Nobody can say they weren’t warned.
Go here for more information.
- Creature from Jekyll Island, pg. 250
- Creature from Jekyll Island, pg. 261