Elon Musk World Government Summit Remarks – What he Gets Right & Wrong

At the World Government Summit this year, Elon Musk gave his thoughts, sharing some of his concerns with world government, which has captured the intrigue of many. Some have even used his remarks to believe that Elon Musk understands the great globalist conspiracy to force all nations(as of the time of this writing) of the world today into one singular, One World Government, through a nuclear war on a global scale, a.k.a. World War 3. You can see Musk’s speech, either in the one-minute clip where he talks about his beliefs on warnings about world government, or the full speech, which is approximately 30 minutes. Both links are below:

Short 1-Minute Clip: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/hfS3ugwOGl4

Full Speech: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=odtgQWJv6eA

While it is positive to see contemporary highly influential individuals like Musk offer some necessary warnings about world government, the speech by itself doesn’t demonstrate his knowledge of the globalist conspiracy to fully establish a one world government through a global-scale nuclear war. Musk himself has never come out in full opposition to one world government, stopping short of just stating potential risks and dangers, like “too much cooperation”. While Musk is right to point out dangers and risks of a One World Government(OWG), he gets the specifics of the risks and dangers, especially too much cooperation, wrong. First of all, too much cooperation is not a real risk of One World Government. Furthermore, a One World Government will be totalitarian and tyrannical, thereby ensuing in the absence of cooperation and the predominance of absolute coercion and dictatorship.

The only way a OWG could be workable and avoid being inevitably and ultimately detrimental to human civilization is if all nations of the world cooperated to protect fundamental individual rights under all circumstances, even during pandemics, both real and phony, like COVID-19. In fact, the only way that multiple different cultures can peacefully and sustainably coexist within any national boundary is if all those different cultures agree to protect and respect fundamental individual rights under ALL circumstances.

It’s really too bad that Musk, with his immense intelligence, didn’t take the opportunity to make this fundamental yet indispensable point. Instead, he goes on to say that “I’m not suggesting war or anything”, which further shows his lack of awareness of the plan and gambit of the Western Globalists, meaning all Western nations in the Northern Hemisphere led by the United States government, to provoke China and Russia to strike the United States(U.S.) with nuclear missiles, thereby igniting World War 3. Musk didn’t mention anything about PDD-60, the current U.S. nuclear doctrine to no longer launch on warning of an enemy nuclear strike, but on retaliation. The devil is in the aftermath; following the absorption of a thorough and large-scale nuclear strike by Russia and China, the U.S. will have nothing to retaliate with; as such, PDD-60 was put in place purposefully to enable and provoke World War 3, to then force the citizens of all Western nations to accept the aid of a global government army to defeat Russia and China, thereby forcing all Western citizens, and eventually all people throughout the entire world, into a OWG, which will be totalitarian and tyrannical, contrary to any concern by Musk of too much cooperation.

It’s too bad Musk didn’t mention anything about PDD-60 or the conspiracy by the Western Globalists to provoke next world war through the above described false flag gambit. Sadly, no single individual influential figure, anyone with great wealth and power or status, has ever talked about PDD-60 or the provocation of the future war, especially publicly, and likely never will. Will Musk, or any other figure of his wealth and status level, like Donald Trump, ever learn about PDD-60, the upcoming war, and then dare talk about them in public, especially in a forum like the World Government Summit?

The answer, and forecast of this blog, is no, as Musk, along with the majority of people, especially those like Musk in positions of power and influence, lack the spiritual discernment to learn about or understand either PDD-60 or the globalist conspiracy to ultimately establish OWG through the next world war. Because of that, this will also make it even harder to generate awareness, especially on deep levels, among a large percentage of the citizenry about PDD-60 or war. This lack of awareness among the general citizenry is one big factor making it ultimately unlikely that World War 3, One World Government, and thereby, the demise of liberty and civilization will be thwarted.

Let us all pray that this post’s forecast ends up being dead wrong.

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