FBI Obstructs Justice Again -Lying About Possessing Seth Rich’s Laptop

In my post about 9/11, I advocated for the abolition of the FBI, pointing out how it obstructed justice by confiscating videos shot by citizens of the jet plane crash into the Pentagon building on that fateful day. As one of the main branches of the so-called Department of Justice, there is no reason why the FBI should have done so. To this day, the FBI has not released those tapes, thereby continuing to tamper evidence and obstruct justice, contrary to its name.

Now, four years after downright lying about possessing Seth Rich’s laptop, the FBI has now admitted to having possession of it since Rich’s murder in 2016. In 2016, during the hotly contested U.S. Presidential Election, then Democratic National Convention(DNC) staffer Seth Rich was murdered and found dead in Washington D.C. Many believe it is because he had obtained very damning information about Democratic front-runner and eventual nominee Hillary Clinton from Wikileaks. Therefore, to prevent Rich from exposing such damning information, it is believed that powerful people connected with the DNC wanted him eliminated.

The point of this post isn’t to verify the masterminds and true motives behind Rich’s murderers and other potential handlers involved. The focus instead is on the FBI, how, contrary to its mission statement, it obstructs justice, fails to protect or promote liberty or the constitutional interests of U.S. Citizens, is an unnecessary drain on taxpayer funds, and must therefore be abolished.

In addition to the argument for abolishing the FBI presented in my post about 9/11, the FBI lied about possessing crucial evidence, Rich’s laptop, thereby obstructing justice yet again. As I write in my post regarding the Rule of Law, if regular citizens commit obstruction of justice, they face severe punishment, such as life in jail, and rightfully so. However, when the FBI commits obstruction of justice, they get away with it scot-free. Therefore, another major reason to abolish the FBI is that is one of the reasons why the Rule of Law has failed to prevail in U.S. civilization, and why U.S. civilization is heading in the same as the Greek and Roman civilizations preceding it; total demise.

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